
Remix-Contest with TonZoo, the Raiffeisenbank and Wann & Wo!
Until the 31st of May, remixes of the official World Gymnaestrada Song „Like a Rainbow in the Sky“ are searched in the categories of Club Remixes and Open Genre.

The two best remixes

The two best remixes will be awarded with a passbook of Raiffeisenbank in the amount of € 1.000,- each. Furthermore, the two best remixes will be presented at the opening ceremony of the 16th World Gymnaestrada in Dornbirn in front of a world audience.


The tracks are judged by a jury and additionally by a public online-voting (further information regarding the voting will follow)


Download-Package (736MB, inkl .wav-Samples forRemixes)


Your remix tracks can be sent as MP3 oder AAC file to the email address remix [at] (subject: Remix-Contest, body: Please%20enclose%20your%20contact%20data%20when%20submitting%20your%20file!) (Hi-Res data will be requested from the winnners afterwards).
Please enclose your contact data when submitting your file!

Terms of participation

  • The download of the tracks is for free and is freely available.
  • The tracks are entirely the property of TonZoo and protected by copyright. Any kind of publication or distribution are only allowed via TonZoo. This also applies to sections of the track. 
  • With the publication of the finished track, the editor declares that all added and produced sound elements were made by himself/herself or elements from a third party are correctly protected by copyright (Do not use improper usage of samples or protected libraries!)
  • The winner will be released on the occasion of the 16th World Gymnaestrada. The final work will be registered with the authors of the original version of the World Gymnaestrada Song and the editors at the AKM. The publishing rights are transferred to TonZoo OG at the time of publication. 
  • By submitting /uploading the song, the editor agrees to the above mentioned conditions.